
May 20, 2024

Why Dismissive Avoidants Take You for Granted: Exploring Their Attitudes and Behaviors


Dismissive avoidants are individuals who are characterized by a strong desire for independence and a reluctance to form close emotional connections. They often have difficulty expressing their emotions and tend to avoid intimacy in relationships. This article aims to delve into the attitudes and behaviors of dismissive-avoidant attachment style dismissive avoidants, shedding light on why they may take their partners for granted. By understanding their mindset, we can gain insights on how to navigate relationships with dismissive avoidants more effectively.

The Nature of Dismissive Avoidance

What is dismissive avoidance?

Dismissive avoidance is an attachment style characterized by a fear of intimacy and a strong need for independence. Individuals with this attachment style often suppress their emotions and maintain a distance from their partners. They prioritize self-sufficiency over emotional connection, which can lead them to take their partners for granted.

How does dismissive avoidance develop?

Dismissive avoidance typically develops in childhood as a response to inconsistent or neglectful caregiving. Children who grow up with caregivers who are emotionally unavailable or dismissive may internalize the belief that relying on others leads to disappointment or rejection. As adults, they carry this fear of intimacy into their romantic relationships.

Can dismissive avoidants change?

While it is possible for individuals with dismissive avoidance to change, it requires self-awareness and a willingness to challenge deep-rooted beliefs about relationships. Therapy, particularly attachment-based therapies like Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), can be beneficial in helping dismissive avoidants develop more secure attachment styles.

Signs of Dismissive Avoidance in Relationships

Are there signs that someone is a dismissive avoidant?

Yes, there are several signs that someone may have a dismissive avoidant attachment style. These include:

  • Emotionally distant behavior: Dismissive avoidants often struggle to express their emotions or provide comfort to their partners when they are upset.

  • Fear of intimacy: They may resist getting too close to their partners and may avoid physical affection or emotional vulnerability.

  • Difficulty with commitment: Dismissive avoidants may have a fear of commitment and struggle with maintaining long-term relationships.

  • Need for independence: They prioritize their own autonomy and may be resistant to relying on others or accepting support.

  • Minimizing the importance of relationships: Dismissive avoidants may downplay the significance of relationships in their lives, treating them as secondary to other priorities.

  • How do dismissive avoidants take their partners for granted?

    Dismissive avoidants often take their partners for granted due to their fear of emotional intimacy. They may become complacent in the relationship, assuming that their partner will always be there regardless of their actions. This can lead to a lack of effort in maintaining the relationship and a failure to appreciate their partner's contributions.

    Understanding the Attitudes of Dismissive Avoidants

    Why do dismissive avoidants struggle with emotional intimacy?

    Dismissive avoidants struggle with emotional intimacy due to deep-seated fears of rejection and reliance on others. They have learned from early experiences that depending on others leads to disappointment or hurt. As a result, they develop a self-protective mechanism that involves distancing themselves emotionally from their partners.

    Do dismissive avoidants have difficulty expressing love?

    Yes, dismissive avoidants often have difficulty expressing love and affection in ways that their partners may expect or desire. They may struggle to verbalize their feelings or engage in acts of love and care. This does not mean that they do not feel love, but rather that they find it challenging to express it in traditional ways.

    How do dismissive avoidants view relationships?

    Dismissive avoidants tend to view relationships as secondary to their own personal goals and independence. They may prioritize career, hobbies, or personal interests over investing in emotional connection and intimacy. This can lead them to take their partners for granted and not prioritize their needs or desires.

    Are dismissive avoidants capable of love?

    Yes, dismissive avoidants are capable of love, but their expression of love may look different from what others expect. They may show love through acts of service, providing practical support, or maintaining a sense of stability in the relationship. It is crucial to understand and appreciate their unique ways of expressing love.

    Behaviors of Dismissive Avoidants

    How do dismissive avoidants handle conflict?

    Dismissive avoidants often handle conflict by withdrawing or avoiding it altogether. They may shut down emotionally, becoming distant and unresponsive when faced with conflict or disagreement. This behavior can make it challenging to resolve issues in the relationship and can contribute to feelings of being taken for granted.

    Do dismissive avoidants have a fear of commitment?

    Yes, dismissive avoidants often have a fear of commitment and struggle with maintaining long-term relationships. They may be hesitant to fully invest themselves emotionally in the relationship, fearing that it will limit their independence or lead to feelings of suffocation.

    How do dismissive avoidants respond to vulnerability?

    Dismissive avoidants tend to respond to vulnerability with discomfort or even dismissal. They may find it challenging to provide emotional support or comfort when their partner is vulnerable. This response is rooted in their fear of intimacy and reliance on others for emotional wellbeing.

    Are dismissive avoidants prone to taking their partners for granted?

    Yes, dismissive avoidants are prone to taking their partners for granted due to their fear of emotional intimacy and reliance on others. They may become complacent in the relationship and fail to put in the effort required to maintain a healthy partnership. This can lead their partners to feel neglected or unappreciated.

    Navigating Relationships with Dismissive Avoidants

    How can you communicate effectively with a dismissive avoidant partner?

    Communicating effectively with a dismissive avoidant partner requires understanding and patience. It is essential to provide them with space and time to process their emotions and avoid pressuring them for immediate responses. Using "I" statements, expressing needs clearly, and practicing active listening can also facilitate effective communication.

    What can you do when a dismissive avoidant pushes you away?

    When a dismissive avoidant pushes you away, it is crucial to respect their boundaries and give them the space they need. Trying to force emotional intimacy or excessive closeness may exacerbate their fear and cause them to withdraw further. Focus on building trust gradually and allowing the relationship to develop naturally.

    Can two avoidants be in a relationship?

    Yes, two avoidants can be in a relationship, but it may present unique challenges. Both partners may struggle with emotional intimacy and have difficulty expressing their needs or desires. It is crucial for both individuals to work on developing secure attachment styles and fostering open communication.

    How can an anxious-avoidant relationship work?

    An anxious-avoidant relationship can work with effort from both partners. The anxious partner may need reassurance and validation, while the avoidant partner may require space and autonomy. Establishing boundaries, practicing effective communication, and seeking therapy can help navigate the challenges of this dynamic.


    Understanding the attitudes and behaviors of dismissive avoidants can provide valuable insights into why they may take their partners for granted in relationships. By recognizing their fear of emotional intimacy and need for independence, we can approach these relationships with empathy and patience. Effective communication, setting boundaries, and cultivating secure attachment styles are key factors in fostering healthy connections with dismissive avoidants. Remember that change is possible, but it requires self-awareness, willingness to grow, and sometimes professional support through therapy.